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Maybe you are an auto body shop looking to incentivize









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-4 18:12:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Try experimenting with your pricing information in your CTA, as well as any other applicable numerical information. A CTA such as “Shop today for TVs under $300!” not only shows a user how little they will pay for a TV, but it also hits on the FOMO element as well (pretty sneaky huh?). If you run a special promotion for shipping, you could try something like “order by Sunday for 1-day shipping.”  your audience with a discount; your CTA might look something like “Book today! 15% off your next visit Want more tips on creating ads that convert? Get your copy of our free all-star playbook for online advertising.

Be bold in your CTA copy This can be a little risqué, but adding a dash of brash to your CTA copy can be pretty effective in catching someone’s eye. call to action - screenshot of an ad for a conference with a bold CTA One option Iceland Phone Number that can be tough to pull off is using negative words to motivate a person to change something they are self-conscious about. For example, if I was on Google looking to lose weight and saw a call-to-action such as “end your crappy diet today,” I might just want to click. Sure, it’s a bit over-the-top, which is why I recommend using this technique sparingly, but it definitely commands attention. Here’s another example.

Say I want to fix the brown patches in my lawn. I’m perusing Google and see an ad with a CTA like “your yard sucks, let us fix it.” Not only would I probably chuckle, but I would also probably click just to see exactly what that lawn company could do for me. You’re walking a fine line with this technique, but it can pay off. Boost conversions with strong calls to action Whether it’s on your website, social media ads, search engine listings, or newsletter,.


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